Symbols for numbers in different languages
Symbols for numbers in different languages

In fact, in most foreign language classes, the 'number words' are some of the first things you learn. So intuitive and uniform is the idea of numbers, that it is easy to learn and understand them even when spoken in another language. > NUMBER: THE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE If there is a universal human language, it's the language of numbers. These will come in handy later as you will see, for naming large numbers. The following two tables display all the word components you would need to count to a thousand in no less than 14 different languages. This same approach ( called 'transliteration' ) has been used on the Japanese, Chinese, Hebrew, Swahili, Sanskrit, and Thai languages. The Greek number words here are the result of translating Greek letters to approximate English letters based on phonetics (the way the Greek letters are pronounced ).

symbols for numbers in different languages

Some of these letters are analogous to English letters, but others have no counterpart.

symbols for numbers in different languages

Please note that Greek does not use the standard English alphabet, but rather the Greek alphabet which only contains 24 letters. The following table goes over the important word components used to form number words in English, but also in 13 additional languages, including Latin, Greek, Japanese, Hebrew, Spanish, French, German, and many more! There is also a bonus language not shown on this chart, but there is a link that will take you to it after the chart. In English, we count large amounts in millions, billions, trillions and so on, but not everyone breaks things up like this. The way of grouping together large quantities can be different too. It is not just the symbols used to represent numbers that can vary. Numbers from 1 to 10 in over 5000 Languages. If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me. This is the translation of the word 'five' to over 80 other languages.

symbols for numbers in different languages

Please find below many ways to say five in different languages.

Symbols for numbers in different languages